Petta Rap (2024) (Hindi + Tamil) Dual Audio UnCut South Movie HD ESub

Petta Rap (2024) (Hindi + Tamil) Dual Audio UnCut South Movie HD ESub
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Petta Rap (2024) (Hindi + Tamil) Dual Audio UnCut South Movie HD ESub

Petta Rap (2024)

Genre: Action, Drama
Duration: 2h 03min
Language: Hindi + Tamil (Dual Audio)
Starcast: Prabhu Deva, Vedhika, Sunny Leone
Release Date: 2024
Size: 400mb, 700mb, 1.2Gb, 2.6Gb, 4Gb HD


Petta Rap is a high-octane action-drama following Arjun (Prabhu Deva), a skilled street dancer turned vigilante, who is drawn into a deadly game of revenge when his peaceful life is shattered by a ruthless gang. Partnering with Meera (Vedhika), a courageous journalist, and Anjali (Sunny Leone), a mysterious femme fatale with her own agenda, Arjun uncovers a web of corruption and betrayal that ties to his past.

Packed with electrifying action sequences, intense drama, and Prabhu Deva's signature dance moves, Petta Rap is a thrilling ride about justice, redemption, and fighting for what's right against all odds.

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