Eagle (2024) WEB-DL [Hindi Dubbed (DD2.0) & Telugu] 1080p 720p & 480p Dual Audio [x264/10Bit-HEVC] | Full Movie,

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 Eagle (2024) WEB-DL [Hindi Dubbed (DD2.0) & Telugu] 

Eagle (2024) WEB-DL [Hindi Dubbed (DD2.0) & Telugu]

Eagle (Hindi Dubbed)

iMDB Rating: 6.1/10
Genre: Action | Thriller
Stars: Ravi Teja, Anupama Parameswaran, Navdeep
Director: Karthik Ghattamaneni

Vijay (Ravi Teja), a skilled undercover agent, uncovers a terrorist plot targeting a groundbreaking Indian defense project. Things take a shocking turn when he learns his closest friend, Arun (Navdeep), is involved with the terrorists.

With the fearless journalist Maya (Anupama Parameswaran) by his side, Vijay races against time to dismantle the terror network while grappling with betrayal and loyalty.

Packed with intense action, emotional twists, and gripping suspense, "Eagle" delivers a thrilling ride as Vijay fights to save his country.


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