Karungaapiyam (Kali Kitaab) (2023) (Hindi + Tamil) Dual Audio South UnCut Movies HD ESub

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Karungaapiyam (Kali Kitaab) (2023) (Hindi + Tamil) Dual Audio South UnCut Movies HD ESub Download now

Karungaapiyam (Kali Kitaab) (2023) (Hindi + Tamil)

Name: Karungaapiyam (Kali Kitaab) (2023) (Hindi + Tamil) Dual Audio South UnCut Movies HD ESub

Genre: Horror

Duration: 2h 08mint

Release Date: 2023

Language: Hindi + Tamil

Starcast: Kajal Aggarwal, Regina Cassandra, Yogi Babu, Kalaiarasan

Size: 430mb 700mb 1.2Gb 2.7Gb HD

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Karungaapiyam (Kali Kitaab) is a spine-chilling horror tale that intertwines ancient secrets with modern-day terrors. The story revolves around a mysterious black book, Kali Kitaab, believed to possess supernatural powers capable of altering fate and summoning dark forces.

When a group of individuals, led by a curious librarian (Kajal Aggarwal) and her skeptical friend (Regina Cassandra), accidentally unlock the book's sinister secrets, they unleash an unimaginable evil. As eerie events begin to unfold, they must face their worst fears while seeking help from a quirky occult expert (Yogi Babu) and a historian (Kalaiarasan).

The narrative delves into folklore, curses, and the cost of meddling with the unknown. With every passing moment, the line between reality and the supernatural blurs, culminating in a shocking and unforgettable climax.

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